The phrase “fall seven times, stand up eight (七転八起)" symbolizes the resilience to rise after multiple failures, signifying the importance of persevering despite repeated setbacks.

However, one might wonder why the need to stand up an eighth time after only seven falls. This curiosity isn't unique to me; many share this question, and a quick internet search offers some explanations.
Several interpretations exist, but let me share a couple of notable ones:
1 When we're born, we're not standing. The first effort to stand is an additional rise, making it "stand up eight times" after seven falls.
2 The number seven in Kanji is written with a horizontal stroke crossed by a vertical one, suggesting the notion of cutting through repeated failures. The number eight, considered auspicious and symbolizing prosperity, combined with seven falls, embodies the idea that rising after failures leads to happiness.
Beyond the numerical discrepancy, there's a theory linking this phrase to the Old Testament, stating that "a righteous man falls seven times, and rises up again”. I always believed this saying was of Japanese origin, but the possibility of its biblical roots adds an intriguing layer.
The spirit of "fall seven times, stand up eight" extends beyond overcoming failure; it's about recognizing the growth and opportunities that lie beyond. Failure is an inevitable part of life, but how we respond to it is crucial. Rather than dwelling on our setbacks, we should view them as opportunities to learn and grow stronger and wiser. In moments of adversity or failure, remember this ancient proverb and let it guide you.